Monday, August 22, 2011

Kronotsky Lost&Found.

I found the radio transmitter from the bear collar (top photo) on one of the animal trails.

Zoologists last used this type of transmitters in 2004. Apparently this one was laying on the ground for several years. Animals tried to bite it through, but all the electronics inside seems to be undamaged. It is protected by a layer of epoxy resin. I hope that we will be able to find out more information about a bear that was wearing it once the specialists recieve it.

Also, the ocean has brought this piece of plywood with symbols. I was about to send it to the fire as other trash that I collected on the beach, but suddenly my imagination stopped me. What if this plywood was thrown to the ocean by victums of lost shipwreck? Or is it just some trivial commercial?

Originally posted by at Доброе утро из Кроноцкого заповедника!

//Translator's note:
Igor's Russian speaking readers translated the inscription. According to several independent translators it is a delivery service address in Busan, South Korea, with their telephone number.